Atlantic Forest, Dendrocolaptinae, fledging, nest survival, uniparental careAbstract
Despite recent advances, the knowledge scarcity on Furnariidae forest species reproduction continues to bias ideas and limit the understanding of avian life history. We studied the reproductive biology of the Lesser Woodcreeper (Xiphorhynchus fuscus; Dendrocolaptinae), which nests in tree cavities, to contribute observations toward ideas about evolution and ecology. In the Atlantic Forest of Argentina (2007–2022), we inspected 26 nests (total: 333 visits), color-banded nine adults, conducted 180 h of focal observations at 11 nests, and analyzed patterns of nest survival and parental care using linear models in R. Lesser Woodcreepers laid two or three white eggs (mean±SE = 2.8±0.1; N = 16) on a bed of bark flakes. One adult (possibly female) carried out construction, incubation, feeding, and nest hygiene, but we frequently observed a second adult (possibly male) singing from 'preferred' perches, sometimes approaching the nest tree in response to alarm calls from the nest. Attending adults brought bark to their nests throughout incubation (19 days) and occasionally during nestling (21 days; range: 20–23). In the absence of adults, eggs and young nestlings were left covered with bark. Nest attention (daytime percentage an adult was inside the cavity) was 63±3% during incubation, fell to 38±9% in the first 4 days after hatching, and approximately 0% after nestlings were 10 days old and had open pin feathers. Nestlings were fed almost exclusively arthropods, and the feeding rate increased as brooding declined. Nest survival was 0.984 (95% CI: 0.970–0.992) daily or 0.50 (0.26–0.70) for the nesting period. For four of six broods, when nestlings fledged, a second adult (possibly a male) participated minimally. Our observations cover the mating system and division of parental care in Furnariidae, the advantages of covering eggs and nestlings, and the possibility that males increase parental care during the vulnerable fledgling stage.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alejandro Bodrati, Carlos A Ferreyra, Milka R Gomez, Facundo G Di Sallo, Luis G Pagano, Kristina Louise Cockle

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Funding data
Rufford Foundation
Grant numbers 18013-D -
Agencia Nacional de Promoción de la Investigación, el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación
Grant numbers 2016-0144 -
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Riverbanks Zoo and Garden